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Taking Classes at Loopy D's Quilting


Here in the studio we offer a number of classes. Most of them are one on one as personally I think everyone learns differently. I am Dyslexic, I struggle with words. Heck, I type with my eyes closed and this little blog post is going to take me at least an hour just to do. *Evil giggle*, anyways back to my thoughts on classes.

Nowadays, you might ask, "why does one want to take a class when you can look online and find everything?" Well, let me tell you why! My first year learning how to quilt I lived at My Sewing room and I took every single class they offered. In one year, I had completed 29 projects. Were they perfect? No but that wasn’t why I took the classes. I wanted to understand the process in other words the ABC’s of quilting . There is more to quilting than sewing a straight line. There’s design, colour theory, math, project planning and so much more. Remember in school your teacher telling you one needs math in your day to day life. Crazy!

So you would think after taking so many classes I would consider myself a good quilter heck no, I was only just getting started. More classes, travelling all over the world to take classes from different quilting instructor’s. My journey was just beginning, and moving towards a different path. The Longarm side of quilting. And once I was on that path I started to see what happens when you take short cuts in the quilting process. The industry joke is the longarmer can fix anything (not always), but they sure can see where you take your shortcuts.

In the studio, we believe that bad habits are hard to break good habits you don’t have to break. So, we don’t teach shortcuts, we try to explain what happens when you do take a shortcut. Also, we explain the reasoning behind everything we do as in life for every action has a reaction. Why isn’t my quilt square, why are my points cut off, every shortcut can cause a problem. Now, yes you can rely on your longarmer to fix it. And yes, we can up to a point.

Here in the studio, we try building our classes around what you need. Everyone is at a different stage in their journey. We want you to understand how to pick fabric, design a pattern, break down a pattern. Build that quilt you have pictured in your mind. We also want to challenge you, get you out of that comfort zone. Fix any bad habits you might have. You don’t get that kind of help online. We try building your confidence up. A class should be a positive experience and quilting is a social hobby. People coming together, like minded souls finding each other. An Artist In the making.

Take a look at our quilting classes and if you don’t see something that interests you well ask and yes we can build one around what your looking for. We are always here to help . As for me, I’m always learning and always taking some kind of class . Constantly learning and willing to share a winning combination for all my students. Give the studio a call if your interested in booking a class or workshop. Our phone number is 403-669-9523.

  1. We Offer Free motion Longarm Classes

  2. We Offer Appliqué class

  3. We Offer Abstract & Paper piecing classes


Hours of Operation

Mon - Wed 9am - 7pm
Thurs - Fri 9am - 11pm
Sat - Sun - scheduled appointments

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How to find us

Location: 79 Sunhurst Cres SE,

Calgary, Alberta, T2X 1W5

Phone: 403-669-9523

Fax 403-254-0727


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